<<<<The Scotsman - there is a vast difference between the meaning of the words 'where?' and 'who?' and I'm sure you've had enough basic education to know the difference yourself. By cross-mixing the two, are you saying in your reply that effectively the anointed or the organisation is on a par with Jesus?>>>>
People can get very picky on specific words "when it suits them".
No-one is saying the organisation or the anointed are on a par with Jesus. Jesus is king in Heaven, the anointed are the Earthly element of the universal organisation. Jesus has the name above every other name, he is second only to jehovah.
And it is not about a where or a who, it is about a condition - An approved condition between the individual and Jehovah - in the end it is one on one. The Faithful slave are there as the approved channel between humans and jehovah "at this point" but not in the new order, then it returns to one on one.
<<<<Like I said before, read and think, then read and think - and read and think again!!>>>>
I read and think every day, because I do not agree with you does not mean that I do not have the ability to analyze, question and think on a subject. 2 people can read and think and come to different conclusions - agreed?
<<<<What Freedom Frog said above. How do you know that yours is the right organisation and all the others are wrong? Some of those in the past who were thought to be anointed have turned out not to be - how can you know for certain that the anointed ones at present truly are? Remember 'Satan disguises himself as an angel of light' - what if ....?>>>>
How do I know this is the "right organisation"? Interesting expression.
Ultimately there is an absolute truth of a matter, do you agree with that?
I have considered other belief systems and very quickly they seem uncomfortable. Involvement with war, questionable practices, babylonish teachings.
Jehovahs Witnesses stand out in this world as very different. Jesus said that his tue followers would be no part of the world - they would be different. They would also have enemies!!!
On your other point - Someone who claimed to be of the anointed can become unfaithful or leave the organisation whenever they feel like it. Anointed or Great Crowd - they must "remain" in that approved condition. So to suggest that all anointed are somehow all wrong because a few have fell by the way side is a weak argument.